Firewalla App Release 1.61: Activity Time Limits, System Vulnerability Scans, Dynamic Rule Controls...




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    Andrew Lowe

    Hi, is it possible to block 2 devices when their combined time online is exceeded. Say, an Xbox and iMac my son plays games on. I would like to limit his combined time on these devices to 2 hours a day? Thanks

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    Rafal Czarnecki

    Thank you for the activity time limit. This was very much needed. I’m looking forward to the further expansion of this function beyond specific apps. Here I mean for instance gaming irrespectively of the platform (steam, warthunder, etc.) Also this list should be available in time usage monitor. Now I could see time spent on YouTube, but gaming or social media are not reported which makes it unreliable. Thanks for you effort and continuous improvements.

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    Vulnerability scans take a long time. During that time, the screen does show "Stop Scan," but it's really hard to know if the process is still going if you don't have many or any vulnerabilities.  Some sort of indication or animation showing that the scans are still running, maybe even naming the current target would be good. 

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    Ben Obst

    Can we set a time limit to a network instead of a user?  With apple devices and changing IP addresses, I have created a network for each child and would like to apply rules to the network.  So can I add all devices in a network to a user?  Or can I apply time based rules to a network instead?

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    Brad Owen

    I would love to see the 'User > Time Limit' rule extended to capture any 'Traffic from & to internet' rather than having to specify exact times for each application. Very similar to what you support with a 'Block' action type rule.

    I think a lot of users (parents) want this reading through these comments and others from the reddit 1.61 release forum.

    This would allow me to set a maximum time for each user (child), where my child could access the internet for any application/website across their devices within the maximum daily time set, allowing them to self manage where they spend their time.

    Currently, the time limits can only be applied to a small set of Apps, which I think is useful, but it doesn't capture all the other internet based sites/apps out there and it requires a lot of thinking by parent and child as to what and for how long they spend on each app.

    My exact setup required is:
    - set scheduled start/stop times per day, i.e. my 13 year old can access any of their devices between 3pm and 8pm - YES, you support this via a block schedule rule.

    - set max time per application, i.e. my 13 year old can have 30 mins of Snapchat a day, and 30 mins of Instagram - YES, you support this (well sort of, Instagram is supported on the 'Time Limit' action type rule, but not Snapchat, even though Snapchat is in your apps for the 'Block' action type)

    - set overall max time for any/all internet traffic, this would mean once their overall time is used, they could not use the internet at all. - NO, you do not support this. This is a critical missing feature to have a maximum time overall spent regardless of where the users chose to use it.

    I actually purchased the Firewalla Gold recently assuming this would be supported, and hope it is on the backlog somewhere?

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    Galen Nuttall

    The only reason I bought this router is because I thought I could set a global internet usage per profile. As in, my kid can choose how to spend their 2 hours of internet per day, but once they hit 2 hours, they're done. 

    Giving limits per app isn't very helpful at all. Will this be updated soon, or should I return the router? 

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    Mina Abiskhiroon

    I would like to see time limit set to categories;

    (Internet at large)
    Streaming, not just app like youtube

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    @Andrew, you can put both devices under the user "Son" (for example). And then you can limit the game (say roblox), it will be applied to the cumulative of the two devices.

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    > If you need more rules on the main screen, please let us know!
    I need more rules on the main screen!  At least 2 please.

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    We will increase that limit to more than 10 in app 1.62

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    Bhupinder Randhawa

    Will this release work on Firewall Blue Plus device?

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