Pairing a new phone with your Firewalla box




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    Alestair Patterson

    Is there a way to add manually? Since the device was flashed, it is not allowing me to produce a QR code. Actually I think the box has the slider to lock additional pairing so I can't turn it on.


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    Alejandro Sánchez Márquez

    Hi team,

    What if you have a phone that is not capable of reading the QR code? The camera is scratched or something and I would like if there is another way, if not, I'm doomed.


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    W H

    Nothing seems to be working for me. Tried my iPad after my iPhone failed to connect and still no connection. I think this one is broken or the blue tooth device inside is either off or broken. I think I'm going to return mine. I had such high hopes for the Gold Plus and this just dashed everything to pieces.

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    I'm sorry but it was a really dumb idea to make scanning the QR code the sole way of adding the device in the app and I tried the instructions for transferring it from an older phone. But the problem is the newer device on the older phone can't be addressed for some reason. So the rest of the instructions are worthless. Making this QR code. The sole path to controlling the device is especially dumb since it's on the bottom of the device that you slide on to a bracket and half the time if there's any dirt or chunk of debris down there, it's going to scratch the QR code sticker to where you can't read it. You should have allowed somebody to manually enter in the license number if they can't do a QR code. It's pretty damn simple

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    @rymond, the QR code is a way to prevent people from getting into your box without physical access to it. 

    I just created a ticket for you so we can follow up to understand your issue more. 

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